Quartile Ranking: Assessing Research Publication Quality
Research demands commitment and dedication. Understandably, you want to be rewarded for this struggle and hard work with appropriate recognition and authority of your research. The best way to attract this right level of credibility is to get published in
6 Steps to Write Cover Letter for Online Research Publication
You have done an incredible job with your research work that deserves reach and recognition. Now, you want a home for your research paper where it can shine and make its mark. Writing a cover letter is an essential part
Role of Peer Review in Online Research Publication
Peer review has always acted as a symbol of quality and integrity in determining the credibility of a journal publication. It offers the same level of reassurance whether we talk about an offline or an online research publication. What are
6 Reasons You Need Publication Support Services for Your Research
You are optimistic about the impact and potential of your research and want the world to benefit from it. The world can only benefit from it if you successfully supply this information in an appropriate format to the relevant scientific
Causes and Prevention of Paper Retractions: Online Research publication
Paper retractions are a major problem in the online research publication industry. Researchers, journals, and sponsors all suffer because of this problem. In the long run, the whole academic landscape is impacted when significant papers are retracted for one reason
Role of Literature Review in Online Research Paper Publications
A literature review is an important step in conducting research. It prevents the researcher from reinventing the wheel by exposing the previously established principles and concepts. You will not see a single entry in prestigious online research paper publications without
How Technology is Impacting Online Research Publication
Technology is changing every aspect of our lives including how we study, experiment, and communicate. With its impacts on our communication and growth, technology is changing the landscape of the online research publication industry. Today, we can learn at a
Qualitative VS Quantitative Research Paper Publications
Qualitative and quantitative research methods are two broad types of research analysis. Every research that you have ever conducted or studied can be categorized as either qualitative or quantitative study. Understanding these two types of studies separately is a task
Writing Response Letter to Move Online Research Publication Further
Not every author is lucky to get their research published without revision requests. So, if you have received this request, don’t panic and approach it calmly. Getting minor and major revision requests is part and parcel of getting into the
Why and How to Write Withdrawal Letter in Online Research Publication Process
When you initiate your online research publication process, your primary goal is to get this research published. Withdrawal is the last thing you will want for your research. After all, withdrawing your paper means that you no longer want the
Should You Write a Review Article or a Research Article?
When we think of research paper publication, we think about publishing research articles. However, research articles are not the only type of articles we can get published in prestigious journals. In fact, putting together studies on a particular topic and
Journal Article Writing –Decoding Sentence Structure
Most people don’t like reading research Article only because these papers are hard to read and use technical language. These papers uncover new concepts, links, and theories and demand intense focus and attention so they can be fully comprehended. The
Book Editing Services – Do You Need A Beta Reader Or A Developmental Editor
Book editing may appear easy. All you have to do is read your manuscript and identify errors to improve them. However, professional editors will tell you otherwise. Editing is more than finding errors and improving grammar. Grammatical correction relates to
How Research Paper Publication Can Help You in Your Career
Many undergrad students are tasked with research work as part of their degree program. They need to write a thesis or research paper to accompany their research project at school. Many of them question the relevance of this intensive writing
7 Tips to Smooth Research Paper Publication
Your research means a huge milestone for your career and your life, so you want it accomplished in no time. Although it’s acceptable for most research paper’s to go through a strenuous review procedure and experience one or more rejections,
6 Ways Copy Editing Helps Your Paper Manuscript
The online research publication is not a walk in the park. You can only get your paper published when you have a notable and original phenomenon to share with the world, when you study it in enough depth to be
5 Steps to Select a Journal for Your Research Publication
You are a scientist who takes pride in learning about your subject matter and exploring new things. Your recent studies have presented you with are unique pattern that has the potential to change the research and development paradigm in your
Questions to Ask When Choosing Effective Book Editing Services
If you are reading this blog post, you must have completed the book-writing process. Congratulations. Book Editing is considered an easier task by many writers because it takes less time and less effort. Although it’s easier, its significance cannot be