research paper

7 Tips to Smooth Research Paper Publication

Table of Contents

Your research means a huge milestone for your career and your life, so you want it accomplished in no time. Although it’s acceptable for most research paper’s to go through a strenuous review procedure and experience one or more rejections, you don’t want to get stuck in the pre-submission process for years. So, how can you increase the chances of success of your research in your ideal journal? Here are a few tips.

Define the Research Question

The first parameter of success for a research paper is its area of study. You wouldn’t want to choose a broad area lest you leave no room for exploring and introducing key points. At the same time, you want to keep it original. Although it’s perfectly normal for scholars to take inspiration from previous work, you cannot recreate experiments done by another scientist and expect significant results and recognition in academia.

Your research question should be specific, with a defined angle, and original. If you are unsure about the quality of the scope of your research, it’s better to get your research question as well as hypothesis confirmed by a peer or mentor. It’s easy for students to find a mentor for their research as their research associate. More senior scholars will have to rely on their social and academic networks to find brainstorming partners. If you still cannot find a suitable match for your research, you can consult research paper publication support services and they will connect you with one.

Find the Right Journal

You understand the importance of finding a prestigious journal for your research. Besides its credibility and impact, you must also look at its relevance to your research topic. For example, if you are researching safety concerns for IoT devices, internet or computer-related journals may not help you much. Your research will be better off getting published in IoT or cybersecurity journals. Better yet, look for a journal that focuses on the cybersecurity of connected devices.

The process of finding the most suitable journals shouldn’t be a lot difficult. Start by analyzing the publications that you studied during the literature review phase of your study. Ask for recommendations from peers and mentors. Utilize databases of Scopus-indexed journals to find the best-fit journals. Hiring top research paper publication services will also make the process easier for you.

Understand and Stick to Journal Guidelines 

Even before guidelines, look at the journal’s mission statement. This will tell you if its readers will appreciate your article or not.

Once you have ascertained that a journal is one you want to send your submission to, check its guidelines. What is its requirement for originality, breadth of research topic, and integrity? These guidelines will help you improve your research methodology. The journal’s guidelines will also tell you about the strength and formatting of references you need for the literature review. These instructions will help you conduct the background research thoroughly.

In the end, you should consider the editorial guidelines of that journal. What are their policies about the use of jargon, ease of text, visual content, and structure of the paper? Some online research publications make a point of requiring an English editing certificate along with submitted papers. This allows them to study the paper easily to decide its publication or lack thereof.

Take your time to study these requirements and make sure to fulfill them. Your failure to stick to these guidelines can lead to desk rejection of your paper.

Start Writing Early

You may want to put writing off until you have conducted your study and documented the results. Don’t do this. While you need your findings to build research results, conclusion, and future outlook sections of your research, these findings don’t matter in writing the literature review or methodology sections of your paper.

Start writing on these sections early on. Not only does early writing ensure a higher quality of your paper, but you will also gain insights from key studies in conducting your research. So, you might gain insights into methodology from one study or want to develop your assumptions further using another.

For most authors, the most significant perk of starting writing early is getting plenty of time to edit and improve it at the end.

Pay Attention to Your Writing

Don’t get caught up in the desire to appear scholastic and sophisticated. You want your research to be read by decision-makers who may or may not understand subject-specific jargon. Make your research paper publication easy for them to understand.

First of all, make its reading and comprehension easy for the desk editors of your target journal, so they can go through it quickly and decide about its usefulness. If you tend to use difficult words and find it challenging to write easy sentences, you should get journal article ghostwriting services. Better yet, write your paper yourself but hire a professional English editing service together with scientific editing help to ensure that your writing is easy and smooth.

Note that not every English editing service will help you. For your journal articles, you want an editor who has beginner to intermediate knowledge of your subject matter. This way, you can rest assured that they will not change the meaning of your sentences only to make them more understandable.

Write a Professional Cover Letter

You don’t want your paper to be rejected at the cover letter stage. Luckily, it’s easy to ensure that your paper gets past this phase if you fulfill editorial and submission requirements put forth by the online research publication including an editing certificate. How you write your cover letter will also determine if it gets past the desk editing stage.

You will need to address the committee professionally and give a brief overview of what is the primary focus of your paper. Together with the research question and hypothesis, you will introduce the methodology you used for the study, key findings, and the future prospects of this research.

Get Peer Reviewed

Peer review is offered as a crucial part of the acceptance procedure for a journal article in most of the prestigious research paper publications. This step adds to the quality of the journal publication by ensuring only high-quality articles get past it.

For researchers, this step often means an increased possibility of rejection and increased query and response letters. Luckily, you can limit the number of post-submission rejections by asking your peers to review your work before you submit it. Here, you might benefit from hiring research paper publication support, because many quality publication support agencies get you connected to working editors in your respective fields.

Wrap Up

This blog post talks about how you can minimize desk rejections for your research papers. The fight against these rejections should begin at the inception of research especially when you are building a hypothesis and research methodology. Use the tips highlighted in this blog post to streamline your work to increase its chances of acceptance.