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Terms and Conditions


Your decision to access, browse, or use this site implies that you agree to the terms and conditions mentioned within this document, without limitations and objections. These terms and conditions are subject to change and your continued use after these changes will imply your non-objection to the updates and amendments.

Your decision to comply with the stated terms and conditions (T&C) herein earns you the right to view, browse, and use this site. If you don’t agree, you should immediately discontinue using it.

Other than these terms and conditions, your continued use of this site also binds you to agree to our privacy policy including our cookie policy.

Purpose of this Site

This site is for informational purposes only. You learn about the available services through this site. When you want to use these services, you contact our representative and establish a contract which is only enforceable when it comes in writing from the Scopus Publications.

We reserve our right to take all necessary measures for the security, safety, and integrity of our systems while protecting the rights and interests of our users. We will also take numerous steps to ensure the authenticity and enforceability of our service transactions with you.

Fees and Payment Processing

Your services will be properly invoiced and recorded. We will communicate about the availability of your final document once it is completed and made available for transfer to you. The service will be charged based on what was purchased and delivered and not on what was used by the client. Once the order is confirmed, it will be non-refundable and non-cancellable.

You are obligated to make the payment in full without counterclaim or offset in US dollars.

You must provide complete and accurate billing and contract information to us. In case of changes to your information, you must update it if your payment will recur after a period.

We issue invoices for every service you request from us. These invoices allow errors and omissions. In such cases, we shall update the invoice to reflect the correct transaction. If you have already paid the invoice and the transaction resulted in an overpayment, we will credit your account with the overpayment. This repayment is refundable if you choose to discontinue using our services. You will be charged for underpayment separately.

Billing Dispute

Your disputes on invoices will only be entertained when they comply with the following clauses:

When you agree that the terms of the invoice, other than the matter of dispute, are correct, valid, and payable.

You request in good faith that it was an unintentional mistake and that we will investigate it and will change the terms in the presence of evidence. Also, you offer evidence of the mistake.

You must request to amend the invoice within a month of issuance of the invoice.

When we receive such a request from you, we will trigger necessary investigations to understand the problem and will reimburse the charges or change the invoice within a week.

Refunds and Cancellation Policy

The Scopus Publications do not entertain the change-of-mind reason for order cancellation. You have to pay 100% of the agreed amount once your order is delivered. You cannot ask for a refund after confirming the order because our staff will have started rendering their services.

Our services are non-refundable and we offer no expressed or implied warranties. You can ask for up to three revisions of your work without extra charge. When you are significantly dissatisfied with our services, you may ask for a 50% refund of the paid amount. Note that this claim of partial refund will only be honored when we can validate the lapse in quality as it’s claimed by you. In case, you are entirely unsatisfied with the service and want to process a claim for a 100% refund, your claim will be forwarded to the evaluation committee and they will review the facts of the case to reach an impartial decision.

Please note that 100% refunds are not available to clients once the order is delivered and complete. Once you receive your order, you have up to three revision requests where you need to raise your specific concerns regarding the quality of your draft. You can only claim a full refund by showing this trail of communication during the revision time with complete details of your disapproval of these revisions. If you fail to provide this trail of communication, we will not entertain your refund claims.

Also, note that you must not make a chargeback claim without raising your concerns about quality with us or without communicating with your account manager at the Scopus Publications regarding this issue. Your initiative for a chargeback through your payment gateway will render your subsequent refund claims ineligible for consideration or honoring.

The Scopus Publication does not take responsibility for approval of your transcript at your selected journal. As such, you will not be eligible for a refund only because your article was rejected by the deciding committee.

Once you have confirmed an order, we will not entertain any cancellation requests for them.

Intellectual Property

This website displays content that includes text, images, software, audio, code, graphics, HTML, videos, and data. This content is protected by copyright and other applicable laws as the sole property of the Scopus Publications. You may not use this content for commercial use. Also, you must adhere to our guidelines while using the data provided by us on this site.

You must not copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, or transmit this data as your own. If you must copy some data for information for reference purposes, you must acquire our written permission to do so. In such cases, this content can only be used for personal and strictly non-commercial purposes. Also, you will not amend the content you use from our site or meddle with its copyright information and proprietary notices. Making changes to the data you get from our site is strictly prohibited.

Use of The Site

The contact information provided on our site is for relevant purposes only. When you browse our website, you agree that you will not use this information for unauthorized purposes, especially not for marketing. You shall not use hardware or software tools to interfere with the operations of our site by meddling with its content. In case of any malicious attempt to jeopardize the operations of our site, we will limit or terminate your access to our site immediately.

Your decision to use our website binds you to use it appropriately. You hereby undertake to refrain from the following activities as well as similar malicious attempts when interacting with our site:

You will not post information that harms minors.

You will not undermine the rights of other users on this site.

You will not access other users’ information through our website.

You will not disclose, exhibit, post, upload, share, or propagate any information that is false, misleading, defamatory, harmful, harassing, obscene, inaccurate, pornographic, pedophilic, indecent, abusive, profane, hateful, objectionable, threatening, lewd, invasive of privacy, or disparaging.

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You must not download files from another user that is not intended for download.
Do not mislead other users with information or about the source of information.
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In the end, you are solely responsible for upholding the laws and regulations of the country of your origin or residence whichever applies to using this site and sharing information over it. When you use this site, you guarantee that you will not use it:
In any manner that breaches applicable local, national, or international laws and regulations;
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When you send a piece of information through our site, you certify that you are either the owner of the information you have shared across it or you are authorized to use this information in the manner that you have used. You must disclose if you don’t own rights to the information you share across our site. You must also ensure that you will only share information that doesn’t infringe the intellectual property rights of any person or entity.
Sharing information across our website also implies that this information doesn’t have any disputes, lawsuits, or other litigations going on regarding its ownership.

Regulatory Powers

The Scopus Publications reserves the right to:
Limit or restrict any user’s access to the site or certain areas of the site;
Cancel any user’s account/registration without disclosing a reason to do so.
Use your name, logo, or trademark for marketing and promotional purposes that don’t infringe your rights to your intellectual property.
Use your data as insights to build our services, interface, and system to add value to our offers.


The Scopus Publications maintain complete confidentiality of user data including but not limited to the manuscripts uploaded to this platform. Our staff and other users of the website are bound by legally enforceable agreements to uphold strict confidentiality and not disclose it to unauthorized people. Our system only allows the person who will work on it to access your data.
Your information will be protected by the terms set out in our Privacy Policy.

Breach of Terms and Conditions

All users of this site are obligated to comply with the terms and conditions presented in this document as well as our Privacy Policy. Your act of breaching any term will lead to:
Immediate restriction to your access to this site;
Warning issuance to you;
Initiation of legal procedure against you for the damage caused by your activities; and
Disclosure of such activities to law enforcement authority if deemed necessary. We are not responsible for the consequences of any action you take through our site that doesn’t comply with our site’s terms and conditions.


We indemnify us and our partners, employees, agents, service providers, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers against all the losses, damages, costs, and liabilities that arise because of your use of our site that doesn’t comply with these Terms and Conditions. At the same time, if you choose to ignore these terms and conditions, you take sole responsibility for any loss, damage, cost, and liability that arise out of this use.
We don’t make claims for the accuracy, quality, or completeness of content available on our site. We hereby absolve ourselves of responsibility for any loss or damage happening because of your use or inability to use of content available on our website.

Changes to the Site and Terms & Conditions

We may change the features of our sites for certain or all users without prior notice.
We reserve the right to alter, update, amend, remove, or add portions of our terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. By using the site, you undertake the responsibility to periodically check for changes made to these terms and conditions.
Age Restrictions
Our website is for adults only. No person under the age of 18 should access it or use it.
We do not knowingly or intentionally collect personal, or otherwise, information from people under the age of 18.
If you are younger than this age limit, you must not use our site or purchase products or services from it.

Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability

The Scopus Publications takes reasonable measures to provide accurate and trustable information through this site. Still, we do not warrant that this information is free from every type of error and omission. Most of the information provided here is for your reference only. We are authorized to alter the content presented on this site without prior notice.
Note that just like any other internet-based information transmission, information relayed through theScopusPublications.com isn’t entirely private or secure. You must acknowledge that the information sent by you may be accessible to third parties through interception except for those pieces of information that are encrypted for example credit card information. We hereby indemnify ourselves from the consequences of interception of your non-encrypted information shared through our site.
We absolve ourselves of any written or oral, implied or expressed representation, guarantees, or warranties that we have not mentioned in our Terms and Conditions to you or any other user or stakeholder.

Contact Information

In case of doubts, questions, or complaints regarding our site and our terms and conditions, email us at [email protected]